Sponsors of EUHOFA International
Mr. Ed Kastli,
Vice President,
International Sales
American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute
Orlando, FL - United States
Sponsor since 2012
Mr. Matthew Stephens
Sponsor since 2012
Mr. John S. Lohr
Director of Development
Geneva - Switzerland
Sponsor since 2012
As my friend and EUHOFA board member Martin Dannenmann told me at the time, “with this group, in the beginning you start out on the outside but year after year of being involved you move more and more toward the center.” He could not have been more right. For the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute(EI), EUHOFA membership has been invaluable as it has allowed us to network with the directors of the top hotel schools in Europe. The relationship however has not just been one sided, we have added value to EUHOFA membership by introducing members to innovative new programs such as the STR Global Certified Hotel Industry Analytics and Trip Advisor Reputation Management trainings. As a member and sponsor we look forward to our future involvement with EUHOFA and to continuing our patch towards the center, in ways of business but also friendship.
Over 200,000 industry leaders globally rely on eHotelier for their continuous professional development through online learning, industry insights and career opportunities. We are delighted to support future industry leaders through our partnership with EUHOFA, connecting students to industry and providing supplementary learning materials created by industry professionals for industry professionals.
In spring a deal was signed between hosco, the leading hospitality network in the world and the MBO RAAD of the Netherlands bringing all 35 of the Dutch vocational schools. "This partnership would never have happened if it weren't for Carel Rink at Rijn IJssel who supported me and the concept and brought it to the board, and if it weren't for EUHOFA I doubt Carel and I would have the relationship that we do. I'm grateful to have been a part of the EUHOFA family for the last 5 years and look forward to playing an active role".
Hosco also has plans to develop other regional networks to replicate the Dutch model.
EUHOFA members receive discounts on various hosco membership categories and currently over 80 EUHOFA members have become hosco partner schools.